
What Skateboard Size Should I Get? Your Ultimate Guide to Finding the Perfect Skateboard

July 31, 2023
What Skateboard Size Should I Get

Skateboarding is more than just a sport; it's an art form, a lifestyle, and for many, a passion. But like any great masterpiece, the canvas matters as much as the paint. In skateboarding, that canvas is your skateboard, and choosing the right size is crucial.

You might be wondering, What skateboard size should I get? Well, you've come to the right place.

Selecting the perfect skateboard size is akin to finding the right pair of shoes. It has to fit just right, feel comfortable, and match your style. Too big, and you'll struggle with control; too small, and stability becomes a challenge. It's not just about the size of the board, though. 

Various factors come into play, such as your riding style, age, shoe size, and even your height and weight.

So, how do you navigate this sea of sizes, styles, and skateboards? How do you find that perfect board that feels like an extension of yourself? 

Think of this guide as your compass, leading you through the intricate world of skateboard sizes. We'll explore the basics, delve into the details, and answer the burning question: how to pick the Right Board Size?

Ever tried wearing a clown's oversized shoes to a marathon or squeezing into Cinderella's tiny glass slipper? That's what skateboarding with the wrong-sized board feels like. So let's embark on this journey together and find the skateboard that fits you like a glove, or in this case, a perfectly sized deck.

Section 1: Understanding Skateboard Sizes

The Basics of Skateboard Sizes

Skateboards come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each designed to cater to different styles, preferences, and skill levels. Understanding these variations is the first step towards finding your perfect match.

  1. Micro Decks (6.5" to 6.75" wide): Best for kids 5 and under, these are designed for tiny feet and beginners.
  2. Mini Decks (7.0" to 7.5" wide): Ideal for youths aged 6 to 12, these offer more control for growing skaters.
  3. Mid-Size Decks (7.5" to 8.0" wide): For teens and adults who are new to skateboarding or prefer a nimble board for tricks.
  4. Full-Size Decks (8.0" and up): These are for more experienced riders who need stability for advanced tricks or cruising.
Rider HeightAgeShoe SizeSkateboard Size (Width)
Under 3'5"5 and under4 and underMicro (6.5" to 6.75")
3'5" to 4'4"6 to 125 to 7Mini (7.0" to 7.5")
4'5" to 5'2"13 to 158 to 10Mid-Size (7.5" to 8.0")
5'3" and above16 and up11 and upFull-Size (8.0" and up)

The width of the skateboard deck is the key measurement, as it influences how well you can control the board and perform tricks. Wider boards provide more stability but may be harder to maneuver, while narrower boards are more agile but might lack balance.

How to Measure Skateboard Size

Measuring your skateboard size is a straightforward process, but it's essential to get it right. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Place the skateboard on a Flat Surface: Ensure its level to get an accurate measurement.
  2. Measure the Width: Using a tape measure, measure the widest part of the deck, usually the area near the middle.
  3. Measure the Length: Measure from the tip of the nose to the end of the tail.
  4. Check the Wheelbase: Though less crucial, you can also measure the distance between the wheels, known as the wheelbase.
Measuring a skateboard

You can also find video tutorials online that demonstrate this process visually, like this helpful video guide.

Understanding the basics of skateboard sizes and how to measure them is the foundation for choosing the right board. It's like knowing your shoe size before you go shopping; it narrows down the options and helps you find the perfect fit.

Choosing the Right Size Based on Individual Factors

Finding the perfect skateboard size is a personalized journey. It's not just about the dimensions of the board; it's about how those dimensions align with you. Let's explore how individual factors like shoe size, height, weight, and riding style influence your choice.

Skateboard Size and Shoe Size

shoe size for skateboard size

The correlation between skateboard size and shoe size is akin to finding the right dance partner. They must move in harmony, or you'll be stepping on each other's toes!

Here's a general size chart to guide you:

  • Shoe Size 4 and under: Micro Deck (6.5" to 6.75" wide)
  • Shoe Size 5 to 7: Mini Deck (7.0" to 7.5" wide)
  • Shoe Size 8 to 10: Mid-Size Deck (7.5" to 8.0" wide)
  • Shoe Size 11 and up: Full-Size Deck (8.0" and up)

Remember, these are guidelines, not rules. Your comfort and riding style might lead you to a different choice.

Skateboard Size Based on Height and Weight

Your height and weight play a significant role in skateboard size selection. Think of it as choosing a seat in a car; you need enough space to be comfortable but not so much that you can't reach the pedals.

  • Short and Lightweight: A narrower board (7.0" to 7.5" wide) offers better control.
  • Tall and Lightweight: A mid-size board (7.5" to 8.0" wide) balances control and stability.
  • Short and Heavyset: A wider mid-size board (7.75" to 8.25" wide) provides stability.
  • Tall and Heavyset: A full-size board (8.0" and up) offers comfort and balance.

Skateboard Size for Different Riding Styles

Different strokes for different folks, and in skateboarding, different boards for different roads. Your riding style significantly influences your skateboard size.

  • Street Skating: Agility is key, so a narrower board (7.5" to 8.0" wide) is often preferred.
  • Vert (Ramp) Skating: Stability matters, so a wider board (8.0" to 8.5" wide) is common.
  • Cruising: Comfort reigns, so choose based on personal preference and comfort.

A pro skater once told me, "Your board is your brush, and the street is your canvas. Choose the brush that lets you paint your masterpiece." Whether you're carving urban streets or riding the ramps, your skateboard size should reflect your artistry.

Choosing the right skateboard size is a blend of science and personal preference. It's about understanding the basics and then tuning them to your unique style, body, and aspirations. It's not just a piece of wood; it's a piece of you.

Certainly! Here's Section 3 for the blog post:

Common Questions and Myths

Skateboarding is a world filled with creativity and innovation, but it's also a world filled with questions and misconceptions. Let's dive into some common questions and debunk a few myths about skateboard sizes.

FAQs About Skateboard Sizes

Q: How do I choose the right size skateboard? A: Choosing the right skateboard size involves considering factors like your shoe size, height, weight, and riding style. It's about finding a balance between comfort, control, and stability. Feel free to try different sizes to find what feels right for you.

Q: What does 8.25 mean on a skateboard? A: The number 8.25 on a skateboard refers to the width of the deck in inches. It's considered a full-size deck, suitable for riders with larger shoe sizes or those who prefer more stability for tricks and cruising.

Q: Can I use a larger skateboard if I'm a beginner? Yes, a larger skateboard can offer more stability, which might be helpful for beginners. However, it may be harder to manoeuvre. It's essential to find a size that feels comfortable and allows you to control the board effectively.

Debunking Myths About Skateboard Sizes

Myth: Bigger Skateboards Are Always Better for Beginners Reality: While bigger skateboards offer more stability, they might only be suitable for some beginners. The right size depends on individual factors like shoe size, height, and personal preference.

Myth: Your Shoe Size Strictly Determines Your Skateboard Size Reality: Shoe size is a guideline, not a rule. Other factors like riding style and comfort play a significant role in choosing the right skateboard size.

Myth: Professional Skaters Use Only One Size Reality: Many professional skaters use different skateboard sizes for different styles and tricks. Tony Hawk, a legendary skater, has been known to switch between sizes based on the type of skating he's doing.

Navigating the world of skateboard sizes can feel like a maze, but understanding the facts and dispelling the myths can light the way. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all in skateboarding. It's a journey of self-discovery, finding the board that lets you express yourself on the streets, ramps, or wherever your wheels take you.

Tips for Beginners

Embarking on the skateboarding journey is an exciting adventure, filled with thrills, spills, and endless possibilities. But before you pop that first ollie or carve your first turn, choosing the right skateboard size is essential. Here's a guide to help beginners find their perfect skateboard size.

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Skateboard Size

  1. Start with the Basics: Understand the different skateboard sizes and what they mean. Familiarize yourself with terms like micro, mini, mid-size, and full-size decks.
  2. Consider Your Shoe Size: Use your shoe size as a starting point, but don't let it be the only factor. It's a guideline, not a rule.
  3. Think About Your Riding Style: Are you into street skating, vert, or cruising? Your preferred style will influence your choice.
  4. Try Before You Buy: Try different skateboard sizes at a local skate shop. Feel the board under your feet, and see what feels right.
  5. Ask for Expert Advice: Don't hesitate to ask seasoned skaters or shop experts for advice. They've been where you are and can provide valuable insights.
  6. Don't Be Afraid to Experiment: Skateboarding is about creativity and self-expression. Don't be afraid to experiment with different sizes to find what resonates with you.
  7. Remember, Comfort is Key: Your skateboard should feel like an extension of yourself. If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't the right size.

Now that you're armed with knowledge, it's time to hit the streets (or the skate shop) and find your perfect skateboard size. Remember, the journey of a thousand tricks begins with a single ollie, and that ollie starts with choosing the right board.

So, what skateboard size should you get? Only you can answer that question. Try different sizes, ask questions, and most importantly, have fun. Your perfect skateboard is out there, waiting for you to ride it into the sunset.


Choosing the right skateboard size is like finding the perfect dance partner; it takes a bit of trial and error, a sprinkle of intuition, and a whole lot of groove. From understanding the basics of skateboard sizes to considering individual factors like shoe size, height, weight, and riding style, we've covered the roadmap to finding your perfect board.

Remember, skateboarding is not just about tricks and flips; it's about self-expression, creativity, and fun. Your skateboard is your canvas, and the streets are your gallery. Don't be afraid to experiment, ask questions, and, most importantly, enjoy the ride.

We'd love to hear about your skateboarding journey! Found the perfect board? Still, searching? Share your experiences, questions, or even your favorite skateboarding puns in the comments below. Let's keep the conversation rolling!

And remember, in the world of skateboarding, size matters, but it's not the size of the board that counts; it's the size of the adventure you take it on. So go ahead, grab your board, and may your ollies be ever upward, your rides smooth, and your shoe laces forever untangled.

Happy skating!

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