
Can You Use Electric Skateboards in the Rain? [Complete Guide]

November 27, 2023

Electric skateboarding, an exhilarating blend of technology and sport, has captivated enthusiasts worldwide. However, one question often lingers in the minds of riders: "Can you use electric skateboards in the rain?" This query brings forth a spectrum of opinions within the community.

On one hand, there's the lure of cruising through rain-splattered streets, a testament to the adventurous spirit of skateboarders. On the other hand, there are valid concerns about safety, board damage, and the impact of wet conditions on performance.

This blog post aims to navigate through these divided opinions, shedding light on the realities of riding electric skateboards in the rain. By delving into expert insights and user experiences, we'll explore the intersection where the thrill of the ride meets the caution demanded by the elements.

Can You Ride Electric Skateboard in the Rain

Can You Ride an Electric Skateboard in the Rain?

Riding an electric skateboard in the rain is indeed possible, but it comes with significant limitations and safety considerations.

Are Electric Skateboards Waterproof?

When considering the allure of electric skateboarding in the rain, a pivotal question arises: "Are electric skateboards waterproof?" The answer is nuanced. While many manufacturers tout their skateboards as water-resistant, this claim often comes with significant caveats. The general design of electric skateboards is not inherently waterproof. Components like batteries, motors, and electronic controllers are susceptible to water damage, a vulnerability that rain and puddles eagerly exploit.

Diving deeper into the technical jargon, we encounter terms like 'IP65' – a common waterproof rating cited by manufacturers. This rating suggests protection against low-pressure water jets from any direction, but it's not an assurance of complete waterproofness. In the unpredictable and varied conditions of rainy roads, this rating's effectiveness is limited. A sudden puddle can compromise the integrity of the skateboard's battery box, potentially necessitating costly repairs or replacements. Thus, while some boards boast of high waterproof levels, their performance in wet conditions can be starkly different, underscoring the importance of understanding these limitations before venturing into the rain.

Risks of Riding in the Rain

Riding electric skateboards in the rain isn't just about splashing through puddles – it's a venture fraught with risks. The most immediate danger lies in the potential damage to electrical components. Water can cause short circuits in batteries, motors, and controllers, leading to malfunctions or even permanent damage.

Traction is another critical concern. Standard polyurethane wheels, common on most electric skateboards, become treacherously slippery on wet surfaces. This loss of grip increases the risk of accidents, making it challenging to control the skateboard. However, the scenario is slightly more favorable for those with all-terrain electric skateboards equipped with rubber tires. These tires offer considerably better traction in wet conditions, providing a safer and more stable ride.

Braking issues are yet another hazard. Wet conditions can significantly impair braking effectiveness, leading to longer stopping distances and a higher risk of collisions. Anecdotes from the electric skateboarding community often recount experiences of unexpected skids and difficulty in maneuvering during rainy rides.

Precautions and Waterproofing Tips

To mitigate the risks of water damage when riding an electric skateboard in the rain, a few precautionary measures can be taken:

  • Battery: Ensure that the battery compartment is well-sealed, and consider applying waterproof coatings to the battery itself.
  • Motor: Encase the motor in a water-resistant cover or apply a protective coating.
  • Controller: Protect the motor controller with a water-resistant seal or housing.

By taking these steps, riders can significantly reduce the risk of water damage to their electric skateboards, ensuring a safer and more reliable experience even in damp conditions.

Safety Considerations

Safety should always be the top priority when venturing out on an electric skateboard in wet conditions. Here are some crucial safety considerations:

  1. Ride Slowly and Cautiously: Wet conditions severely affect the handling and braking of electric skateboards. It's advisable to reduce your speed and ride with extra caution, especially in areas where puddles or standing water may be present.
  2. Use Appropriate Safety Gear: Wearing waterproof clothing can greatly enhance comfort and control. Additionally, standard protective gear like helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads become even more important in wet conditions.
  3. Be Aware of Road Hazards: Painted road markings and maintenance hole covers can become exceptionally slippery when wet. These surfaces pose a significant risk for skaters, as they offer far less traction than regular road surfaces. Avoiding these areas to reduce the risk of slips and falls is best.

By adhering to these safety measures, you can significantly mitigate the risks associated with riding an electric skateboard in the rain.

Maintenance After Riding in the Rain

Proper maintenance after a wet ride is crucial to prolonging the life of your electric skateboard:

  1. Drying the Board: Thoroughly dry your skateboard as soon as possible after riding in the rain. Pay particular attention to electrical components, bearings, and the undercarriage.
  2. Lubricating Parts: Apply lubricant to moving parts like bearings and pivot points to prevent rust and ensure smooth operation.
  3. Inspecting for Water Damage: Check for signs of corrosion or water ingress in the battery, motor, and controller. Early detection can prevent more severe issues.
  4. Regular Check-ups: Consistent maintenance is key to avoiding long-term damage. Regular inspections can help catch potential problems before they escalate into major repairs.

Following these steps can help maintain the performance and safety of your electric skateboard, even after exposure to rain.

What to Do If Your Skateboard Gets Soaked

In the event that your electric skateboard gets heavily soaked, swift action is crucial:

  1. Shut Down Immediately: Turn off your skateboard as soon as possible to reduce the risk of short circuits and electrical damage.
  2. Disassemble and Dry: Carefully disassemble key components, especially the battery and motor, and dry them thoroughly. Use a soft cloth and, if necessary, a blow dryer on a low-heat setting to remove moisture.
  3. Check and Clean Bearings: Remove and inspect the bearings. If they are wet, clean and lubricate them before reassembly.
  4. Inspect Electrical Components: After drying, carefully inspect all electrical parts for signs of damage. If you notice any issues, it's advisable to consult a professional for repairs or replacements.

Taking these steps promptly can help minimize water damage and keep your electric skateboard in good working condition.


In conclusion, while the thrill of riding an electric skateboard in the rain can be enticing, it's imperative to be aware of the risks involved. The potential for water damage to electrical components reduced traction and braking issues, and the heightened risk of accidents must be carefully considered. Adopting waterproofing measures, wearing appropriate safety gear, and performing regular maintenance can mitigate some risks, but not all. It is essential for riders to balance the excitement of rain riding with the possible costs and dangers. Ultimately, safety and long-term care of the skateboard should guide your decision to ride in wet conditions.

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