
How Much do Electric Skateboards Cost? Work Out Your Perfect Budget

May 31, 2023
How Much do Electric Skateboards Cost

Electric skateboards have surged in popularity, revolutionizing personal transportation and offering a thrilling blend of fun and practicality. But one question often arises for those new to this exciting world: "How much are electric skateboards?" The cost of these innovative devices can vary significantly, influenced by various factors, from the quality of components to the brand reputation. In this blog post, we'll delve into electric skateboards, breaking down the costs and helping you understand what you're paying for. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a curious newcomer, this guide will provide valuable insights into the financial aspect of owning an electric skateboard. So, let's embark on this electrifying journey and explore the costs associated with these modern marvels of transportation.

Understanding Electric Skateboards

Electric skateboards are an innovative fusion of traditional skateboarding and modern technology, offering a unique and thrilling mode of transportation. These boards, powered by an electric motor, allow riders to control speed and direction using a handheld remote, making them an incredibly fun and convenient way to travel. The popularity of electric skateboards has skyrocketed in recent years thanks to their unique features, such as speed control, range, and the ability to tackle various terrains. They offer a new level of freedom to riders, allowing them to cruise the streets without the need for pushing or foot power. From affordable models perfect for beginners to high-end boards designed for speed and performance, there's an electric skateboard to suit every rider's needs and budget. As we delve deeper into the world of electric skateboards, we'll explore the factors that influence their cost and value.

 The Average Cost of Electric Skateboards

The average cost of an electric skateboard typically falls between $400 and $2,200. This wide range reflects the diversity of options available in the market, catering to different needs, preferences, and budgets. But what exactly influences these costs?

Several factors come into play when determining the price of an electric skateboard. The quality and type of components used significantly impact the cost. For instance, boards with high-performance motors, long-lasting batteries, and durable decks usually command higher prices.

Type of BoardExample ModelPrice Range
Budget BoardVoyager Neutrino Electric Skateboard$200 - $500
Mid-RangeWowgo 2s Max Electric Skateboard$500 - $1,000
Premium BoardsBoosted Stealth Electric Skateboard$1,000 - $2,200

Factors Influencing the Cost of Electric Skateboards


The brand of an electric skateboard can significantly influence its price due to several factors. Established brands often invest heavily in research and development to ensure high-quality components and advanced features, which can increase the cost. They also have a reputation to uphold, which often justifies a higher price tag. Furthermore, customer service, warranty terms, and after-sales support, typically superior to well-known brands, also factor into the price. Lastly, the brand's prestige and popularity can command a premium price, as consumers are often willing to pay more for a product associated with a trusted and respected brand.


Cost of eboards

The quality and materials used in an electric skateboard are pivotal factors that directly impact its price. High-grade materials like durable decks made from bamboo or maple, robust wheels, and high-performance motors contribute to a sturdier and longer-lasting board, justifying a higher cost. Similarly, the quality of the battery, which determines the board's range and speed, can significantly influence the price. Premium boards often feature advanced technologies such as regenerative braking or sophisticated remote controls, further adding to the cost. Investing in a skateboard made with superior materials and quality ensures a smooth and enjoyable ride, safety, and longevity, making it a worthwhile investment.

Battery and Range

Battery life and range are crucial aspects that significantly influence the price of an electric skateboard. A skateboard equipped with a high-capacity battery offers a longer riding range, allowing you to travel greater distances on a single charge. This superior performance is often reflected in a higher price tag due to the advanced technology and high-quality materials used in the battery's production.

Moreover, high-quality batteries also help mitigate 'battery lag', a common issue where the skateboard's performance drops as the battery drains. This ensures a consistent and reliable riding experience, even when the battery is low.

Additionally, some premium skateboards feature advanced technologies like regenerative braking, which recharges the battery during braking, further enhancing the range and efficiency.

Therefore, when considering the cost of an electric skateboard, the battery life, range, and performance consistency are key factors that justify the investment.


Speed and performance are integral to the appeal of electric skateboards. Boards with high top speeds and impressive acceleration often command higher prices. This performance is primarily driven by powerful motors and advanced electronic systems, which are more expensive.

Additionally, a high-performance board requires a robust and well-designed deck and wheels to ensure safety and stability at high speeds. Therefore, balancing your need for speed and performance with your budget is important when considering an electric skateboard, as these factors significantly influence the cost.

Ongoing costs of owning an electric skateboard


Charging an electric skateboard is an ongoing cost that owners should consider. While the cost is relatively low compared to other electric vehicles, it still contributes to your electricity bill. The exact cost will depend on your local electricity rates and the frequency of charging. However, the convenience and efficiency of electric skateboards often outweigh this minor expense.

Replacement Batteries

Replacement Batteries Over time, the battery of your electric skateboard may need replacement, especially with frequent use. The cost of a new battery can vary significantly based on the skateboard model and battery type. High-quality batteries might be more expensive initially, but they can offer better longevity and performance, making them a cost-effective choice in the long run.


Maintenance and Repairs and regular maintenance is essential to keep your electric skateboard in top shape. This includes wheel replacements, bearing lubrication, and part repairs. Depending on the complexity of the issue, repair costs can add up. However, regular maintenance can prevent major issues and prolong the life of your board, making it a worthwhile investment.

Accessories and Safety

Accessories and Safety Gear Investing in accessories and safety gear is another ongoing cost for electric skateboard owners. This can include lights for night riding or essential safety gear like helmets and pads. While these costs can add up, they are crucial for ensuring a safe and enjoyable riding experience. Remember, safety should never be compromised for the sake of saving money.

 Is an Electric Skateboard Worth the Investment?

Whether an electric skateboard is worth the investment depends mainly on your needs, lifestyle, and budget. An electric skateboard can be a game-changer for those who value convenience, speed, and eco-friendly transportation. It's not only a fun and thrilling way to navigate the city, but it can also save you time on commutes, reduce your carbon footprint, and even save money on public transport or fuel costs in the long run.

Moreover, the versatility of electric skateboards makes them suitable for various purposes, from leisurely rides to commuting to work or school. The ongoing costs, such as maintenance and charging, are relatively low compared to other forms of transportation.

However, it's important to consider the upfront cost, which can be significant, especially for high-end models. Therefore, choosing a board that fits your budget while meeting your performance and quality expectations is crucial.

Considering Your Budget

Considering your budget is vital when determining which electric skateboard to purchase. Electric skateboards come in a wide range of prices, from budget-friendly options to high-end models. It's important to balance your desire for certain features with what you're willing to spend. Remember, electric skateboard costs aren't just about the initial purchase price. Consider ongoing costs like maintenance, battery replacement, and accessories. By understanding the full picture of what owning an electric skateboard entails, you can make an informed decision that fits within your budget.


In conclusion, understanding the cost of electric skateboards is a multifaceted process. It's not just about the initial purchase price but also the ongoing costs and the value it brings to your lifestyle. From the thrill of speed to the convenience of eco-friendly commuting, electric skateboards offer a unique blend of benefits. By considering your needs, budget, and the factors influencing the cost, you can make an informed decision that ensures you get the most out of your investment. Remember, the best electric skateboard is not necessarily the most expensive one but the one that fits your needs and budget perfectly. Happy riding!


What is the cheapest electric skateboard available?

The cheapest electric skateboards like the Windseeker can be found for as low as $139. However, these boards often need more features, lower-quality components, and reduced performance compared to expensive options.

Are electric skateboards worth the investment?

Electric skateboards can be a worthwhile investment if they meet your personal transportation or leisure activities needs. They offer a fun, eco-friendly alternative to traditional skateboards and can save time and money on commuting costs.


Electric skateboard costs vary significantly, depending on brand, battery, motor power, board material, and additional features. It's important to carefully consider your budget, needs, and preferences when choosing the right electric skateboard for you. With options ranging from budget-friendly to high-end, an electric skateboard suits every rider and budget.

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